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30 Signs A Man Is Using a Rich Woman For Money

Signs A Man Is Using A Woman For Money

When the heart feels right, but the wallet feels a little too light, this can be a sign that your partner is more interested in your finances than your relationship.

Here we will decode the signs that show a man is greedy for your money more than your heart. These signs give you a clear indication based on daily life experience about the quality and sincerity of the person with whom you are in a relationship.

Table of Contents


In this article following main theme points will be discussed;

  • The signs that reflect his actions are not in line with his statements and his body language is not genuine.
  • The signs that his stance regarding you is something else but his intentions seem the opposite and interested in money.
  • Signs that his words support the fact that he is having a relationship with you for money.
  • The signs your inner self is warning you of his wrong intentions along with your family and friends.

10 Signs his actions speak that he is with you for money

Actions can speak louder than words in most tricky situations. If you suspect your partner is more interested in your bank account than your time and relationship, then some changes in their behavior can reveal their true intentions.

1. He will never pay for the date

Signs Man Is Using A Woman For Money

His unwillingness to pay for the dates with you could reflect that he is not serious about a fair and genuine relationship. When you see that he always leaves you with the bill then this can indicate an interest in your money rather than you.

2. He will be attracted to your expensive things instead of you

His excitement about your expensive things rather than spending time with you reflects that he is using you for money. You will observe that instead of enjoying your company, he will ask about the things you own. He pays more attention to your materialistic things rather than getting to know your personality.

3. He will ask to keep your expensive items

Whenever he keeps borrowing your expensive things consistently then this can reflect that he is interested in your finances instead of you. You will see that he will always keep an eye on your expensive things and doesn’t seem to care much about you.

4. He will not be emotionally attentive towards you

His hunger for money is reflected when he is not concerned about how you feel. You will see that whenever you need support or care then he will behave arrogantly and doesn’t look interested in your emotional condition. This can reflect that he’s not focusing on your emotions until there is a financial profit involved.

5. He will avoid meeting your family

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Avoid Meeting Your Family

His behavior of ignoring your family reflects that he is not having the relationship for the right reasons. You will see that he will be more interested in your money than in getting to know the important people in your life.

This will be like he is avoiding a big part of who you are and what matters to you. This can give you the hint that he is not serious about being with you for a meaningful relationship.

6. He will spend a lot of money at start of relationship

Whenever a guy spends a lot of money right when you start dating then this will indicate that he is trying hard to impress you. He will be spending just to build a first-sight trust in you so that he can use you for money later on.

If he avoids future planning while you are interested in future then this could me he is having just a temporary relationship with you for money.

7. He will purchase things on your credit card

His continuous efforts to purchase things using your credit card to buy things will reflect that he is leaning on your money. You will see that when he keeps using your card instead of his own, this can indicate that he is not handling his finances well in your relationship.

This can be like he is keeping you as an ATM with himself to fulfill his materialistic desires and shows no interest in what happens to you.

8. He will not work for his future and stabilize his financial status

Whenever you notice that he does not want to work or plan for his future money-wise then this can be a hint that he is with you for your cash.

If you notice that he is not keen on getting a job or setting goals for his financial stability and instead depends on your money then this can reflect that he is with you for money. His lack of effort towards his finances could be a sign he’s using you.

9. He will not behave nicely during your financial instability

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Not Behave Nicely During Your Financial Instability

During financial uncertainty, a genuine partner understands the importance of support and affection. Whenever you observe that instead of offering support, his behavior becomes uncaring during your financial challenge then this reflects that he is using you for money. If his attitude shifts negatively when money is tight then this is a warning sign that his intentions are not as genuine as they should be.

10. He will waste his day and won’t go to earn

If he is using you for money then he will spend their days avoiding work or responsibility. Whenever you observe your partner consistently choosing not to earn or work even when they do not have a genuine reason not to do it, this can indicate that he is relying on you for financial support rather than contributing equally to the relationship.

Signs his intentions are reflecting he’s there with you for money

The task of recognizing the signs that a man is using a woman for financial benefit can save a lot of heartbreaks. His behaviors and attitudes reflect the true center of his focus whether it is in your partnership or in what he can gain materially.

1. He will be interested in your assets instead of your nature

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Interested In Your Assets Instead Of Your Nature

His interest in your possessions, bank balance, and material things rather than who you are as a person reflects that he is focusing on the wrong things. If his conversations always return to your belongings rather than your thoughts, feelings, or dreams then this can hint that his intentions are more concerned about your assets than your true self.

2. He will always be empty for cash and credit

If he is often asking you for money and is never able to handle his finances then this could reflect that he is using you for cash. You will see that if he is regularly in crisis and does not try to solve this then this can indicate that he is in the relationship for your money.

3. He will expect you to gift him expensive things

His desire for expensive gifts from you will reflect that he is interested in your finances. You will observe that this will not be about the thought or meaning behind the gift, but more about wanting a costly item. He will keep asking for expensive things and becomes happy only when he gets them.

4. He will be attracted to things he cannot afford

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Attracted To Things He Cannot Afford

If you notice his liking for things he cannot afford then this indicates his hunger for money. You will see him often talking about attractive materialistic things that he wishes to own but cannot buy them. This will indicate that he is more interested in what you can give him financially than in your personality.

5. He will mostly arrange meetups with you at an expensive resort

If he always wants to meet at lavish places like expensive resorts, this can indicate that he is more interested in money rather than in spending time together. You will see that the choice of places for hangouts can reflect his intentions and whether he is there with you for money.

6. He will avoid meeting your sincere friends

Sincere friends always interpret the intentions of others towards you, hence he will always avoid getting together with them. You will observe that he will always prefer his place and make excuses for getting uncomfortable with your friends just to avoid being judged about his intentions.

7. He will never display supportive behavior

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Never Display Supportive Behavior

Whenever you notice that he is never around or willing to support you when things get tough then this could indicate that he is there for the wrong reasons. If you notice arrogant behavior from him when you need emotional support and only loves you when you shower money then this reflects an alarming situation regarding his intentions for you.

8. His mood will change when you are not willing to pay for something

If you notice that he suddenly gets upset when you don’t pay for something then this will indicate that he is more interested in your money than spending time with you. This will be like he only cares about what you’re spending and not about having moments together.

9. He will prefer sitting among rich groups even if they avoid him

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Will Prefer Sitting Among Rich Groups

His habit of hanging out with rich people despite their non-interactive behavior towards him indicates that he is fond of money. You should keep an eye on him and his company which can reflect his intentions regarding you.

10. He will take care of you only when he wants money from you

If he is nice and caring towards you only when he wants money then this will indicate that he is not interested in you but your fiances. You should notice whether his care lasts even when money is not involved.

9 Signs his talks are depicting that he’s there with you for money

Sometimes a person conveys his intentions unwillingly through his talks. This depends on the other person whether she can interpret the true intentions based on those minute hints. Here are some hints that can reflect his intentions regarding the relationship with you.

1. He will be asking what you own from your family property

His interest in your familial assets reflects his intentions that he probably possesses more interest in your wealth rather than yourself. You will notice that whenever he is too curious about your materialistic things then this can indicate his strong interest in your finance.

2. He will always speak of business and ideas but won’t do anything

Signs Man Is Using A Woman For Money Won’t Do Anything

If he only keeps talking about big business ideas but does not do anything about them then this will indicate he is not serious about you and even his career. You will see him having an attitude of “talk and no action” that will reflect his non-serious attitude and maybe having a relationship with you for money.

3. He will always complain about his financial problems

If you notice him constantly saying that he is short on cash all the time especially when you’re together then this will be a warning sign. This will be like he is relying on you for money instead of finding ways to improve things. The constant discussion around finances in a relationship from his side reveals that he is using you.

4. He will make excuses when you need money

You will see that when you ask for help during a cash shortage, he will keep finding reasons to say no. A good partner tries to support you, even if it’s not always about money but if he is becoming arrogant whenever you depend on him financially then this reflects that he is using you for money.

5. He will turn the talk when asked about a long-term relationship

Signs Man Is Using A Woman For Money Turn The Talk When Asked About A Long Term Relationship

If you ask him about being together for a long time and he changes the subject or does not show any interest then this can give you a hint that he is using you. You will see him avoiding the topic especially when it’s about your relationship.

6. He will verbally create a financially tough situation by borrowing money

If he keeps saying that he is struggling with money and talks a lot about the need to borrow cash then this will reflect\ that he is using you for money. When he always brings up how tough things are financially and makes it seem like borrowing money is the only answer then you will only be important to him for his finances.

7. He will turn the talk when asked about salary or job

If you ask about his job or how much he earns and he gets all weird or changes the subject fast then this will reflect that money is a big deal for him in your relationship. You will see that he will make many lame excuses for not having job or salary but his intentions will be different which you must consider.

8. He will emotionally blackmail you for money

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Emotionally Blackmail You For Money

Whenever you notice him emotionally blackmailing you for money then this means he is playing with your feelings to get cash. You will observe that he will make you feel guilty or responsible for their money problems.

9. He will constantly be mentioning dating rich girls

His habit of discussing dates with girls who have a lot of money will indicate his interest in money rather than being with you. You will see him mentioning dating rich girls all the time which will reflect that they care more about money than the relationship itself.

5 Signs you have feelings that he’s there for money

The sixth sense and gut feelings of a person along with your genuine peer circle never tell a lie. If you observe that the person in a relationship with you does not seem concerned with you but with your finances and materialistic things then you must quit that scene.

1. Your sincere friends will advise you to stay away from him

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Friends Will Advise You To Stay Away From Him

You should give importance to the advice of your sincere friends because they can see what you probably cannot. This will indicate that they have an observation and become worried because they feel that he cares more about your money than you. Their advice could help you avoid getting hurt or having money problems later in life.

2. Your family will say to quit this relationship

The worried attitude of your family towards the person you are having a relationship with is something worth considering. You will notice them warning you of his intentions once they have interpreted him truly.

This will be like missing some genuine facts during an affair which can cause heartbreak later in life. Their advice can help you figure out if he cares about you or just your money.

3. You will feel emotionally left out of the relationship

If he is constantly focused on money and what he gets from you then this will make you feel like your emotions do not matter to him. You will notice the conversations only about his needs and money which will leave you feeling like he is not there for your feelings.

Whenever a feeling of being emotionally left out appears in your mind then this will indicate that the relationship is just about money.

4. You will have warnings from your six sense

Whenever you notice something alarming from your gut feelings or a little voice tells you that something is not right then you must pay attention. Your inner feeling could be warning you that he is more interested in your money than you.

5. You will observe an attitude change when you tell him to pay the bill

Man Is Using A Woman For Money Will Observe An Attitude Change When You Tell Him To Pay The Bill

His reaction should be of importance to you whenever you ask him to pay the bill. You will see his attitude change suddenly, avoid the topic, or get defensive which will indicate that he is not comfortable sharing the costs. This will be like his response can give you a clue about what he is after in the relationship.

Pro Tip:

The tip to interpreting human nature lies in recognizing the true intentions behind the fake actions. This can be done by observing, comparing, and allowing your mind to have control over the emotions. The advice of your family members and peer circle also holds primary importance in this matter as they give an unbiased decision regarding your choice of a person for a relationship.